Sales & Business Mindset Coaching for Engineering Businesses
Engineering your sales processes to leverage your skills.
Rathore PSC delivers effective and results driven business & mindset coaching for engineering businesses. If you’re looking to improve the structure & focus of your sales and performance, we can help.
After years learning your craft & developing your skills you decided that you would go it alone and show the world what you can do.
- The products and services you deliver are great
- You have a few really exciting clients
- You are making money
BUT you feel the business is missing something that will turn it from good to outstanding.
That something could be a combination of things;
- More sales (who doesn’t want more revenue!)
- More products or services
- Less products and services
- A high ticket product that sets you apart from your competitors.
The good news is that you already have everything in your business to deliver you the result you want.

Sales is our speciality
What do you think of when you think of sales?
- Is it loads of outbound cold calls (I can see you shuddering!)
- Is it pushy tactics?
- Is it even needed in your business? You have customers that came to you, right?
Engineers actually are the best salespeople. Naturally good at listening, excellent at problem solving, and love to demonstrate how it works. The big thing they often lack in sales is confidence.
I learned about effective engineering cold outreach completely by accident.
It was a chance meeting with some guys running an email outreach company. They approached me with the same old spiel I’d heard a hundred times before.
Then they said something that took me completely by surprise:
“We often get 35% positive response rate”
What I learned from them was that humour was their secret sauce. I’ve learned how to put this into practice to deliver exceptional results for my clients
If you’re looking to improve the focus & effectiveness of your sales team, we can help. We use humour as one of our strategies for outreach. There are others too, none of which involve making 100’s of cold calls to get little or no results.
Still Not Sure?
Here’s a little experiment for you to run….
Experiment #241 for Manufacturer/Engineering Company owners.
- Spreadsheet of all customers revenue this year.
- A large double malt scotch [ice optional]
- Your favourite anti-depressant.
Create a bar graph from your customer revenue spreadsheet showing,
from left to right, the number of customers for each level of spend.
(It will look a bit like the graph below.)

Next steps:
Take 2 anti-depressants swilled down with the scotch.
It looks like, if you lost just one of your biggest spending customers…your business would be in serious trouble.
Ask him to show you the quickest way to rectify this ‘Historic Customer Imbalance’……and make your business more secure for the future.